There’s a long post coming about losing a builder, finding a builder, negotiating contracts, negotiating them some more, stressing out over losing time in the schedule, completely re-planning the renovation due to some unforeseen building issues and lots more. But we’re too tired to write that one at the moment. Instead, we’ll enjoy progress where we can find it – even if it’s just little baby steps.
Remember our basement? We didn’t even know it was there to begin with? We uncovered this massive space with tons of possibilities, the only problem: it was stuffed with junk.

We were hoping it contained some treasures for use in the house, so we hired someone to come haul it all out so we could see what we have.
Sadly, when all was said and done, there wasn’t much worth saving. We left the giant wine vat and the ancient barrels. (We’ll figure out something cool to do with those later.) And there were a few really, really old green glass demijohns we held onto. But at least now we have a useable basement where we can store building supplies as necessary and I’ll have a little workspace when I begin to restore the marble sinks from upstairs that we’re keeping.

I guess that’s one job we can check off. Just 999,999 more to go.
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