No steps forward, no steps back.

We’ve love to give a detailed update on the Palazzo, with great photos, lots of fun stories, and exciting progress. But sadly, there’s not much new to say. Work has been stalled for over a month.

The way the project was planned was that we’d front some money that would kick off the work. As a stage of work finished, we’d get a large portion of the money refunded to us via the government’s bonus structure. That refunded money would then fund the next portion of the work, and so on.

Because the bonuses are tax credits, the money comes from selling the credits to companies (at a slight discount). The problem has been getting someone to buy the credits. Our builder has shown us the signed contract from someone buying our credits, and has assured us all will go through, but the buyer wanted to inspect the work first.

So we sit and wait. Roof not finished. Windows not in. Lots of work to be done by the end of the year. We were told the work will re-start the first week of December, but we’ve been hearing potential re-start dates for a while now, so who knows? It’s a bit frustrating, TBH.

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