We’ve all seen the pictures of quaint Italian towns and the rich reds, yellows, oranges and blues that the homes are painted. So when it came time to decide on a facade color for our palazzo, we knew for sure we wanted one of the traditional colors.
However, we also want to keep the building as original as possible and returning it to a historic color would be one way to keep the past intact. Unfortunately, the front of the building gave us no clues. The historic color was long gone. But on the back, there was a good amount of yellow that remained. Perfect! That goldenrod color would have been our first choice anyway!

Off to the Comune we went with our color request in hand. Surely with the evidence we presented, this would be an easy approval. But in what is sure to be one of many surprises to come, the Comune rejected our color choice. Their research showed an even earlier color for the building – red! So red it will be.
The new color took almost no time to grow on us. We were surprisingly excited to learn about this facade history. Now if you’re familiar with Italian home colors, you know there are many different reds – from lighter reds to deep, rich vermilion colors. So we’ll still have some work to do figuring out the exact shade. (We’re hoping for the latter.) But in the end, we’ll be the proud owners of a red Italian palazzo. We can’t wait.
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