Keeping hope

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope. – Martin Luther King, Jr.

A bit dramatic? Sure. But given what we’ve been through, it feels at least in the ballpark. If you read our last post, you’ll remember the crazy twist to our project. The company doing the work had several people arrested and all work shut down. I’m not really going to get into the allegations (they’re still allegations at this point), but we had no idea if the project was continuing, if we had lost all out money, or what.

Well, after months of our lawyers trying to figure out what was going on, they finally got ahold of the government administrator who was put in control of the company while all this plays out. After some back and forth, they met at our worksite and we’ve been assured of good news: the administrator is committed to finishing our project before the end of the year and plan to start up work again (with multiple crews) this coming week. Our government credits are there with the company and everything is back on.

There are still a million questions to figure out. With so much still left to do, can they actually get it all done in time? With work slated to move at light speed, how can we oversee the work without being there? Will they do the work and call it a day or will we get the final tranche of credits returned to us as planned? We have no idea yet.

Two weeks ago we were discussing whether to sell the entire shell as-is and recoup maybe 25% of our money. Now it looks like (fingers crossed) we’re, if not fully back on track, then at least headed in the right direction. Hope was all we had. Now we have a little bit more.

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