Is this really happening?

I landed two weeks ago to witness the start of our renovation and was planning to stay a week and a half. The beginning of our renovation is mostly demolition and doesn’t involve that much input from us, so I figured on a short trip to watch the scaffolding go up and maybe record some good demo video. (Who doesn’t love a good demo video?) I arrived full of excitement.

Long ago, we were educated on the concept of “Italian Time.” And for those who don’t know, things in Italy move at a different pace. It’s great as a lifestyle – low stress, lay back, enjoy life. It’s not so great when you’re on a deadline to get renovations done.

It started with some bureaucratic snafus of who was in charge of what and the Comune technician only coming into town once a week. That meant the scaffolding permission was not obtained and it did not go up as planned. This was supposed to happen Wednesday of last, last, week. I extended my trip by another week as I figured it might be a one week delay. Nope. More waiting.

However, I was told late on Wednesday that we had obtained the permission! Thursday passed, but. Friday saw the arrival of some fencing that was stored inside of the building. And I met several of the future workers to walk the site and review what we wanted saved. It scared me a little that I still did not see the official notice posted anywhere around the house. 

But Saturday morning I poked my head out of the bedroom window (our current house is only four doors down) and see this…

It’s the geometra posting “no parking” notices in the staging area where we will begin installing scaffolding on Monday. Unfortunately I have to leave on Tuesday but at least I will see something happen before I leave. Heeeeeerrrrrrreee we go!

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