Ah… the roof. Where to start? It’s been one of the disappointments so far. We had hoped it would have been finished months ago. Alas, the palazzo is still (partially) open to the sky. (We’ll cover the “partially” part in a minute.)
We’re not entirely sure of the delay. Part of it was from the Comune who wanted some changes to the design to better hide the solar panels on top. Ok, we get it. There are regulations to follow (no matter how often they seem to change). No big deal.
There was also a vague discussion of some troubles getting materials. However that seemed to get solved somewhat quickly. And then there was just a… lack of stuff happening. We kept hearing it would be done by the end of the month. And then the end of the next month. And the next…
But with Nikko arriving in Pieve this past week, we had some movement. At least half of the roof has beams up and sheathing on. No shingles yet. No solar panels yet. But at least there’s half of part of a section of roof.
We’re told it’ll be fully sheathed soon. We’ll see.

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